Belinda's journey and transformation is a real triumph over so much personal stress and pressure. I have a huge amount of respect and admiration for Belinda who has kept going despite all the setbacks... an ordinary woman with extraordinary passion and persistence.
I am so happy to have met you and to be part of your journey. You have achieved so much and continue to do so every day.. a real inspiration to me and many others...Love Tracy x
‘’I have struggled with depression and stress most of my adult life. I have a very addictive personality and comfort eating became my go to fix. Of course food didn't help it just made things worse.
I was really active before my pregnancy.
I had gone through 3 lots of IVF which failed, relationship breakdown, problems in the workplace and a big court case and a very poorly Mum, just the usual pressures of life really but ones that all together took their toll on me.
When I conceived with my daughter I was on anti-depressants which were not to be taken in pregnancy. I had to wean myself off these and change to a different medication throughout pregnancy. I then needed to come off them after I had given birth to be able to breast feed.
It was a roller coaster of emotions/feelings doubled with a difficult early pregnancy.
I was absolutely blessed to have a beautiful, healthy baby but I still struggled with depression and would over eat and binge eat.
At my heaviest I went up to 18 and a half stone.
When I lost my Mum after a long illness in 2014 I decided that I needed to do something and take control. I wanted to be around for my daughter growing up and knew that it was down to me to make the changes, I lost 7.5 stone in about 21 months.
I very rarely weigh myself now but know when I am not in control and reign it back it. I still have treats but am usually on plan Monday to Friday. Doubled with Tracy's classes and walking I manage to maintain mental and physical health.
I started with Tracy a few years ago and I am passionate about exercise. I do at least 4 classes a week and sometimes more. I love COMBAT and Body Pump but each and every class that I do had an unbelievable amount of benefit to me.
I owe so much to Tracy and all of the people who I exercise with. Without you all I wouldn't be where I am now today. I still walk the fells regularly and maintain a great level of fitness.
I have created a great work life balance and life is good for me now.
I now know that I am in control and that I can make choices that keep me on track.
Winning at life’’!!!
Belinda's weekly classes:-
Body Pump and HIIT- Wednesday and Sunday
Thursday Combat and HIIT Fight Fit
Friday Club Core and More
Are you sat on the sidelines?
Do you want to make some changes?
Text me O77O9 594 947