It's a gorgeous rainbow of super foods, packed with health boosting nutrients... an absolute winner.
🔲 Save your meal idea, ready to razzamataz up your energy levels with this salad.

Serves 4:
👉 For the Spiced Chickpeas...
2 x 4OOg tins chickpeas
tbsp olive oil
3 tsp smoked paprika
2 tsp ground coriander
a pinch of salt
👉 For the salad...
1 cucumber
25Og cherry tomatoes
1 ripe avocado
1 lemon
big handful of fresh mint
1 tbsp olive oil
bag of green salad leaves
salt and black pepper
👉 For the dressing...
1 tbsp of tahini
1 tbsp of maple syrup
1 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp water
Heat your oven to 18O and line a baking tray with parchment.
~PART ONE- Make your spiced chickpeas.
Put your chickpeas in a bowl with the olive oil, smoked paprika, cumin, coriander, slat and stir up. Tip your chickpeas onto the baking tray and roast for 25 mins.
~ PART TWO- Make your salad bit.
Cut your cucumber into small chunks, chop up your tomatoes, avocado, roughly chop up your mint and squeeze in halve the lemon.
~ PART THREE- Add your chickpeas to the salad, add a squeeze of lemon from the other halve, add your olive oil, put on salt and pepper to taste. stir up.
~ PART FOUR- Make your dressing.
Put all the ingredients together and mix them up until they are smooth.
~ PART FIVE- Add your bag of green salad leaves to your dressing.
Stir up, pop on your chickpea salad and serve up into your bowl.
🙋♀️ Are you going to give it a go?
Tracy x