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Mike's British Motorcross Champion 2017- He did it!

Tracy Dixon

‘’ Hi Tracy,

You are the one that has enabled me to achieve this, I would never have hung in there if I was attending a gym J….You and your Body Pump Classes have made such a massive difference to my fitness, mental stamina and just being able to face what appears to be an impossible challenge. I am on Cloud 9 at the moment and have now decided that I will target the “Double” in winning the championship again in 2018. No one has ever done that so there is my challenge!!’’

See you Wednesday

Mike xx

What an incredible achievement, a massive inspiration to us all in classes- Mike’s feels confident enough to go for the double after becoming the British Motorcross Champion 2017- AMAZING Mike..

I remember you telling me one Saturday am before class 3 years ago that you were going to give it your BEST shot, every year you have done better than the previous year… I have every confidence and believe that you could achieve a win again next year- it’s possible. We know how hard you train.

Anything is possible when you put your mind too it.

Tracy x

Mike has been doing Body Pump Strength Resistance Training Classes with weight and High Intensity Interval Training combined now, twice a week for 3 years.

He started classes to progressively and systematically build up his core strength, stability, mental and physical, strength and aerobic endurance and stamina. With the purpose of improving his Motor Cross riding abilities to handle; the bike, the pressure, the races, events, his relationship with his body, core, bike, to ride more efficiently and to finish strong, to recover quicker, to feel fitter and stronger from within… Mike has accomplished every single goal..

If you would like to join myself, Mike and countless other people who want to be stronger and fitter for everyday life, you can as a beginner.

Here are all the Body Pump/HIIT Class details- where you can see all the class times, dates and venues.

Classes are all pay as you go BUT you need to send me a private message to BOOK your kit.

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