Totally shocked at smashing his own personal best by 20 mins on the 37 mile Tour of Helvellyn Run...(shattered BUT injury free) massive achievement.
What a result!
Congratulations on a massive achievement Rob.
You are an absolute legend and total inspiration....
I got Rob's message just after his race..
Clearly shocked that he had knocked such a massive difference off his previous time... and he'd also ran 68 miles that week- ALL injury free.
Rob took up Pilates to strengthen his core, improve his stability and to rehabilitate niggles that were frequently occurring during and after his running..
After 4 months of consistent Pilates class and Bootcamp on Friday's (strength training and aerobic stamina). Rob experienced the immense benefits first hand.
Do you run, cycle, do sport, like to hill walk and be active?
Do you get little niggles, injuries that keep hampering you, that you brush off and hope will disappear?
Do you want to be stronger, have more flexibility, feel good, rehab niggles, enjoy your pass time/hobby minimising the risk of injury.
If the answer is "yes Tracy" to any of the above.. I can highly recommend bringing these 3 things into your weekly routine:
Relevant Yoga stretches
Strength Training
Even doing one of the three consistently will give you good benefits and improvements.
Click for Pilates class times and dates
Click for Yoga class times and dates
Click for Strength Training class times and dates
Any specific question please ask how I can help you; run strong, rehab niggles, stay injury free whilst training, excel at your pass time, improve your sports performance...
Love Tracy x